Fastest Season Journey Farm in Diablo 4 Season 7 (Season of Witchcraft)

To get the new flying raven pet, Dorian, in Diablo 4 Season of Witchcraft, you’ll need to complete Destroyer, the seventh and final chapter in the Season Journey, a set of objectives provided in Diablo 4 each season that serves as both a guide to the available content and a reward system incentivizing further play. You’ll need to complete the necessary number of objectives in each previous chapter to get to Destroyer, and then you’ll need to complete 8 out of the 10 Destroyer objectives to unlock Dorian and the other rewards that are offered at this pinnacle Season Journey tier.

Chapter III (Tempering, Elixirs)

Many Season Journey objectives are completed passively just by enjoying the seasonal content, which surrounds the Tree of Whispers. Right from the start, however, you’ll need to branch into Helltide in order to complete Chapter I, and you’ll want to spend some more time in Helltide and buy some items from the Obol Vendor to finish off Chapter II.

To get through Chapter III, make sure to explore the Tempering system, and craft at least 5 Elixirs at the Alchemist. If you haven’t yet, you’ll also want to take down the Blood Maiden at the center of the Helltide, run a Legion Event with a group of your favorite strangers, and use up the Roothold keys you’ve amassed so far. Otherwise, just following along with the seasonal questline should do you proper.

If you need more Roothold keys to complete the objective in Chapter III of the Season of Witchcraft Season Journey, just complete more Whispers and collect Whisper Caches. They often contain Roothold keys, and you can also open Silent Chests in Headhunt zones using Whispering Keys purchased from Obol Vendors (Purveyor of Curiosities) in all major towns, including the Tree of Whispers, for 10 Obols.

Chapter IV (Level 60, Torment I)

The main highlights of Chapter IV of the Diablo 4 Season 7 Season Journey occur once you get to level 60. Craft 5 Blacksmith Caches, do 10 Nightmare Dungeons (you’ll clear a future objective if you wait until you get to Torment I), and progress through the Coven’s Favor bounty board to get 5 Draught of Whispers Elixirs. Go back to Helltide to kill a single Commander as well. This is also a good time to finish out the seasonal questline, getting you to Rank 8.

Chapter V (Fugitive Heads)

Once you get to the fifth chapter of the Diablo 4 Season of Witchcraft Season Journey, Slayer, your main focus will be getting to Rank 15 in the Coven’s Favor and collecting eight Fugitive Heads. Open at least one Tormented Gift of Mysteries during Helltide on Torment I or higher, and kill the Council in Infernal Hordes.

The eight Fugitive Heads will be the most challenging chase. Go from Headhunt Zone to Headhunt Zone, completing the Fugitive bounties for the most efficient gameplay. Travel by horse whenever another player unearths a cocoon. If you happen to come across a Forgotten Altar during this time, you’ll make things a bit easier for yourself. Make sure to use a Draught of Whispers to increase your chances.

Chapter VI (Unholy Coffers, Glyph Expert)

Having completed Slayer, it’s time for the next chapter: Champion. The lowest-hanging challenges in this chapter are Unholy Coffers, completed in Infernal Hordes, Glyph Expert, and defeating Lord Zir. From there, defeat monsters while at maximum threat level in Helltide (before the Hellborne spawns), get your Coven Rank to 20, and put a party together to take down some Tormented Bosses (Lair Bosses). That should get you to 11/13 objectives, clearing the chapter.

Chapter VII, Destroyer

Now, at long last, you’ve made it to the final chapter of the Season 7 Season Journey: Destroyer. You may notice something different about this chapter,  though — every single achievement has a world tier requirement, and the tier required for all but one is Torment IV.

So, the first step in completing the Destroyer chapter in the Diablo 4 Season 7 Season Journey is getting to Torment IV. Though it isn’t meta, my Summon Necro build for Season of Witchcraft got to T4 just fine, so you can always just copy that. From there, it’s technically possible to scrape by with the help of other players, but to finish off Destroyer in style, you’ll want to be able to take on a Tier 75 Pit — something the Spopes Season 7 Summon Necro can also do.

Season 7 Destroyer Chapter Objectives Ranked By Difficulty

Proceeding from easiest to hardest, here’s the order I’d suggest you complete the 8 Destroyer objectives you’ll need to smash to get Dorian:

1. Assassin’s List: The single Destroyer objective you’ll complete before getting to Torment IV

2. Triumph of the Tormented: Completed passively by doing other objectives

3. Silencer: Can be completed passively by farming stronger players

4. Roots Ablaze: Same here

5. Waking Horrors: Just do Nightmare Dungeons and don’t die

6. Lootmaster: Farm cinders passively at the Blood Maiden

7. Root Pulverizers: Farm Rootholds until you find 2 Legendary Ceremony Shrines

8. With Sand to Spare: Arguably, Hell’s Fury may be easier — especially with help.

Expectedly, Destroyer will likely take you longer to complete than all the other chapters combined. Once you do, though, unfurl the wings of victory with Dorian: He’s the coolest pet we’ve ever had, and he’s totally worth chasing in Diablo 4 Season 7, Season of Witchcraft.


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